Friday, November 9, 2007

Additional Thanksgiving Buses

over blitz:
Hey Everyone,

Due to the popularity of the NYC Bus Program there will be two additional buses traveling. One of the buses will leave from Hanover at 11:00 am and arrive in NYC at 4:00 pm. The second additional bus will leave NYC at 2:00 pm and return to Hanover at 7:00 pm. Tickets for these additional buses will be sold at Collis Common Ground from 12pm – 2pm on a first come first serve basis tomorrow (Friday, November 9 2007). Once again only cash, checks, and DA$H will be accepted. Come early because the tickets will sell out fast! If you can't make when sales start and need a ticket, it is strongly recommended that you find someone to wait in line for you. See previous blitzes for any additional details and questions.

-Student Assembly

Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Dartmouth Moose Helps at Blood Drive

Helping outside the Hop

The Moose helping the poor, fallen blood drop.

"Moose ears" at Lou's

From The Dartmouth:

Campus blood drive aims for 300 pints

'Blackboard' has secretive tracking system

We've been working on this issue for a while or so.

From The Dartmouth:
Students who have learned about the tracking features, however, are calling for more public and more widespread notification. David Nachman ‘09, vice president of the [Academic] Affairs Committee, said that he discovered the existence of the tracking features by reading about student controversy over the issue in the Brown Daily Herald. He was concerned that many students did not know that they were being tracked and also that such actions could violate Dartmouth’s computing privacy policy.

“I feel that students should at least be warned,” Nachman said. “I don’t know if this literally violates the policy, but I do think that it violates the spirit of the policy.” keep reading

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Assembly takes on Novack redesign

From The Dartmouth:

Potential renovations of Novack Cafe were among the topics discussed during Tuesday’s Student Assembly meeting. Meisha Smith ‘09, a student coordinator of the effort, explained that a meeting is planned between Student Assembly representatives, Facilities Operations and Management and librarians in charge of the Novack space.

The effort, a potential fulfillment of one of Student Body President Travis Green ‘08’s campaign promises, would seek to make the area more student-friendly and aesthetically pleasing by replacing worn out furnishings. This might translate to reupholstering couches and benches, replacing tables, providing decorations and investing in a new paint job, according to Smith.

She also said that they were considering a “Starbucks-style” theme, but added that she would be happy to receive suggestions from the student body. keep reading

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

GA Minutes 6 Nov 07

A presentation on Class Divide was made by Margaret Lawrence and Daniella Sloane. The General Assembly then discussed plans to renovate Novack Cafe in Berry. The point was made that there is a lack of dissention in GA and a forum was held to discuss assembly procedure and brainstorm ways to allow GA to have a greater role in shaping legislation and leading executive projects.
The content in Student Assemblog does not represent the official positions of the Student Assembly or Dartmouth College; all views and opinions expressed herein are solely of the author. As any reasonable person can only assume, no tacit endorsement is given to the content of any of the links or videos. That would be ridiculous.