Tuesday, February 20, 2007

GA Minutes 20 Feb 07

Statement for Support for Current Initiatives of the Community Action Network
Sponsored by Anoop Rathod ’07, Joshua Wexler ’08, Raymond Rodriguez ‘09, Yuki Kondo-Shah ’07, and the Diversity and Community Affairs Committee

WHEREAS numerous acts of intolerance have negatively affected the overall climate of the institution,

WHEREAS such behavior is unacceptable at Dartmouth,

WHEREAS students lack knowledge of the resources available to mediate such conflicts,

WHEREAS the Community Action Network (CAN), an integrated network of resources for students who have been affected, is currently being developed by the Student Assembly Diversity and Community Committee, Office of Pluralism and Leadership, and the Dean of Student Life Office,

WHEREAS the Office of Student Life will be actively promoting, advertising, and enhancing the resources that are currently available to students,

WHEREAS OPAL will be initiating dialogues and discourses around issues of diversity and inclusiveness with different residential clusters,

WHEREAS a student peer advising network is being developed in tandem with administrative resources to help students mediate such conflicts of identity,

WHEREAS the members of Student Assembly has met with the Campus Climate Committee to discuss proactive steps,

WHEREAS the Student Assembly supports and acknowledges the proactive steps that the administration is taking in order to improve and ensure a healthy campus climate,

LET IT BE RESOLVED that Student Assembly support the current work of the Dean of the College, OPAL, the Office of Student Life, and the Campus Climate Committee

LET IT BE RESOLVED that Student Assembly support the creation of the Community Action Network (CAN),

LET IT FINALLY BE RESOLVED that Student Assembly will continue to initiate programs and offer its support to students who have been confronted by acts of intolerance.

Statement in Support of Need-blind Admission for International Students
Sponsored by Yuki Kondo-Shah ’07, David Nachman ’09, David Ong ’09, Vlad Dobru ’10, and the Diversity and Community Affairs Committee

WHEREAS Dartmouth College is need-blind in its admission decisions for American, Canadian, and Mexican students, but not for students from other countries;

WHEREAS this policy further disadvantages international students who are economically marginalized or disenfranchised in their countries of origin;

WHEREAS need-blind admission plays a fundamental role in reducing inequities of opportunity, and helps create an economically diverse student body;

WHEREAS the current draft of Dartmouth’s new mission statement says, “[we] recruit and admit exceptional students from all backgrounds, regardless of their financial means”;

WHEREAS under current admission policies, Dartmouth does not fulfill its proposed mission statement;

WHEREAS Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Williams, and Middlebury, among others, have need-blind admission for international students;

WHEREAS the admissions policy causes Dartmouth to be less competitive than colleges that have need-blind admission when recruiting international students;

WHEREAS financial circumstances are not a measure of the quality of applicants;

WHEREAS Dartmouth annually loses extremely well-qualified students with limited financial possibilities to other colleges;

WHEREAS the College is currently searching for a new Dean of Admissions, and this statement will be able to be evaluated by the incoming dean;

LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Student Assembly issues the following statement:

The Student Assembly strongly urges the Board of Trustees and the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid to extend its need-blind admission policy to all students, including international applicants. The absence of a need-blind admission policy for international students undermines Dartmouth commitment to a diverse student body.

The Student Assembly believes that implementing a universal need-blind admissions policy is necessary for fulfilling Dartmouth’s proposed mission statement, which affirms that “[Dartmouth recruits and admits] exceptional students from all backgrounds, regardless of their financial means.”

The Student Assembly recognizes that even with a need-blind admissions policy fundamental differences in opportunity often favor wealthier students, particularly in the case of international students. Therefore, Student Assembly urges that Dartmouth implement a need-blind admission policy for all applicants.

LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that the Student Assembly shares this statement with the Board of Trustees, the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid, the Dean of Admissions search committee, and the Dartmouth community.

Proposal to Fund A Discussion on Community Service and Philanthropy
Sponsored by: Leah Adkins ’09, Raymond Rodriguez ’09 and the Community Service and Activism Committee

WHEREAS the Community Service and Activism Committee was created in order to bring more awareness to opportunities to serve the Dartmouth and Upper Valley Communities;

WHEREAS the Community Service and Activism Committee maintains strong ties with the Tucker Foundation and desires bring greater awareness to student-initiated projects and to support initiatives that strive to engage students in community service;

WHEREAS it is important to understand the ways in which students would like Student Assembly Committees to be most effective;

WHEREAS much of the student body and many of its leaders are involved with community service and philanthropy can give valid input as to the needs and desires of those who engage in community service activities regularly;

WHEREAS it is rare for members of the community to find a forum in which issues of community service and philanthropy can be discussed outside of more exclusive organizations;

WHEREAS Student Assembly has the ability to facilitate a discussion beneficial to both the members of Student Assembly and the general student body;

WHEREAS this is an opportunity for Student Assembly to express its interest in community service and philanthropy through a discussion that has never taken place before;

WHERE AS Student Assembly wishes to engage as many students as possible in dialogue discussing the merits of community service and philanthropy;

LET IT BE RESOLVED that Student Assembly fund its own discussion on community service and philanthropy:
- On Thursday, March 1, 2007 at 6:00 PM, SA will hold a dinner/ discussion in Collis 101.
- The discussion would have a three-fold purpose: 1) to address the structure and interests of the Tucker Foundation as well as the distribution of the programs within the foundation 2) to question the importance of community service to an Ivy League student body and student government 3) to understand the shortcomings of current community service offerings and the best way to address them.
- The discussion will be open to the entire campus as well as administration from the Tucker Foundation. The set up will be small tables reflective of the small discussion-centered focus.
- Speakers will include Dean Lord, student interns from the Tucker Foundation, leaders of service opportunities and philanthropy chairs from Greek houses.
- This discussion will allow the Community Service and Activism to develop a more precise understanding of the shortcomings that exist concerning students’ expectations surrounding student government’s role in community service and philanthropy.

LET IT BE RESOLVED that Student Assembly allocate up to $550 for this event
- Up to $450 on dinner costs (Boloco), depending upon participation levels
- $70 for drinks, utensils, napkins
- $30 for advertisements, (200 flyers to be posted around campus)

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