Tuesday, May 15, 2007

GA Minutes 15 May 07

Proposal to Fund the 2007 Student-Faculty Brunch
Sponsored by: Franklin Obi ’09, Ian Rorick ’10, and the Academic Affairs Committee

WHEREAS the Student Assembly feels that it is of the utmost importance to foster good relationships between faculty and students;

WHEREAS good student-faculty relationships enhance learning in the classroom and strengthen the Dartmouth community;

WHEREAS last year the Assembly organized a three-hour Student-Faculty Brunch in which 500 people attended it;

WHEREAS this year’s Brunch will take place on Sunday, May 20th during Green Key Weekend, and is expected to have roughly 450 people attend it;

WHEREAS this year’s Brunch’s total cost will be around $4186.40, costing roughly as much as it did last year;

WHEREAS the budgetary breakdown of the Brunch is the following:

Food--------------------------- $3118.00 ($5.50/person + tax & gratuity)
Location Set-up/Cleanup--- $670.00
Ad in The D------------------ $72.00
Entertainment---------------- $50.00
Invitations-------------------- $276.40
Total Estimated Cost (max)- $4186.40

WHEREAS Dean of the Faculty Carol Folt is in full support of the event and has pledged to allocate a significant amount of funding for its implementation.

LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Student Assembly allocate $750 towards this year’s Student Faculty Brunch. The brunch in its entirety will cost $4186.40.

Statement for Support for Current Initiatives for the Community Action Network
Sponsored by Lena Martinez-Watts ‘08 and the Diversity and Community Committee

WHEREAS student assembly resolved to support the creation of the community action network on (DATE) in response to the numerous acts of discrimination which negatively affected the overall climate of the institution,

WHEREAS Student Assembly further resolved to continue to initiate programs and offer its support to students who have been confronted by acts of intolerance,

WHEREAS the Student Assembly has met with the Campus Climate Committee to discuss proactive steps to achieve such goals,

WHEREAS the Student Assembly supports and acknowledges the proactive steps that the administration is taking in order to improve and ensure a healthy campus climate,

WHEREAS the community action network is a joint initiative requiring both administrative and student body support,

WHEREAS the Dean Sateia provided funding for chap-sticks labeled with appropriate contact information for students who have been affected by a biased incident,

LET IT BE RESOLVED that members of Student Assembly fulfill their portion of this commitment through the allocation of up to $2000 to purchase first aid kits labeled with contact information for the community action network,

LET IT FURTHER BE RESOLVED that the first aid kits be distributed to the incoming class of 2011 during orientation week.

Proposal to Fund the Profiles in Excellence Award
Sponsored by Corey Chu’08 and the Academic Affairs Committee

WHEREAS sustaining a rich culture of undergraduate teaching is important both to Dartmouth College and to the Student Assembly;

WHEREAS the Profiles in Excellence Award reflects the Student Assembly commitment to developing the relationship between students and faculty, and has been awarded each term since the fall of 2001;

WHEREAS the award recognizes outstanding teaching by professors;

WHEREAS the winner of the award is chosen by the Academic Affairs Committee from student nominations;

WHEREAS the Student Assembly holds award dinners each term for the winner of the Profiles in Excellence Award;

WHEREAS the Academic Affairs Committee will soon be choosing a professor as this term’s recipient of the award;

LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Student Assembly allocate up to $600 for the Profiles in Excellence Award plaque and dinner.

Resolution to Allocate $3,000 for the Diversity of Thought Picnic
Sponsored by: Lia Cheek ’09, Lena Martinez Watts ’08 and the Diversity and Community Committee

WHEREAS the research done on minority faculty retention suggests that many minority faculty members do not feel as if they are a part of the Dartmouth community,

WHEREAS the inclusion of faculty as part of the larger Dartmouth community is beneficial to both students and faculty,

WHEREAS the recommendations of the Minority Faculty Recruitment and Retention report recommended that outreach from student communities would help to strengthen the Dartmouth community overall through increased minority faculty retention,

WHEREAS intellectualism is a commonality shared by both the minority faculty and the student community,

WHEREAS networking with minority faculty allows minority students to interact with successful individuals with similar background to their own,

WHEREAS research suggests that faculty are largely unaware of events and sentiments on campus which affect their students,

WHEREAS there is currently no forum in which minority faculty members can interact with the student community as individuals outside of their role as faculty,

LET IT BE RESOLVED that Student assembly support the Diversity of Thought picnic, and allocate up to 3,000 dollars to implement this event.

Resolution to Fund the End-of-the-Year Student Assembly Banquet
Sponsored by Raymond Rodriguez ’09 and the Executive Committee

WHEREAS the SA banquet serves to bring together all Student Assembly members and recognize their hard work and achievements throughout the past year

WHEREAS the SA banquet happens every year at the end of the Spring term

WHEREAS this year’s end of the year banquet will happen on Thursday May 24 at 6pm in the McLane-Fahey Common Room

WHEREAS the event will be catered and outstanding members of the Assembly will be recognized

LET IT BE RESOLVED that Student Assembly allocate up to $1500 for the end of the year SA Banquet.

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