Progress, Procrastination, and Paperwork at the Dartmouth College Student Assembly
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
SA Presidential Debate
There will be a debate among the 5 Student Body Presidential Candidates will be held tonight at 7:00 during the General Assembly meeting in Carson L01. It will be be moderated by Kevin Hudak ’07, Chair of EPAC and will feature:
Molly Bode '09 has dropped out of the race.
as the little shits at the little green blog refuse to own up to their criticism (Connor Shepherd '07 Andrew Seal '07), I must post this letter which I put onto their site, and was subsequently deleted (twice):
Connor Shepherd,
For the sake of dear old Dartmouth, the lone pine above us, and a great GOD around us- please please please kill yourself. You vomit up opinions that no one holds and have a personality that no one likes. Your very being has been a general waste of life. In the four years that you have pissed down the toilet here at Dartmouth College, Connor Shepherd ’07, you were mentioned in the Daily D (arguably the most complete documentation of campus life) a whopping 5 times. Congrats Connor! The most valuable contribution you made to campus during your entire tenure was your insight in a leaf-peeper article in which you brilliantly noticed that ‘the leaves on trees don’t turn colors’ back in your hometown of Dumfuck, Texas. Impressive, Connor. While other students achieve greatness with the legacy they have been given, you sit around and suck your penis (which is a much better use of your mouth than talking).
Connor Shepherd ’07, you are a ripe, puss-filled zit on the hairy ass of Dartmouth. It’s time you got popped. While desperately trying to keep a strait face as he read your college application, Karl Furstenberg must have thought to himself, as it is the only explanation for why you are here, “What the hell, why not admit this pretentious asshole-hick from Texas? We could all use a few laughs!!” Karl’s experiment was a failure. You are a failure. Other, less fortunate kids would have jumped at the chance to fill your spot. Everyone else would jump at the prospect of letting them. Hell, I’d bet there were a few retards down in West Leb who could offer more interesting commentary on campus issues than you.
By the looks of your letter to The Review back in ’03 in which you said that you “completely forgot how to relate to black people” (here: neither your intelligence nor writing have improved. Connor, you really are a cancer on this institution; I hope you’re not terminal.
Enjoy the rest of your life, Connor Shepherd, no one else will.
Dear Anonymous, This is totally inappropriate and poorly articulated. Please find somewhere else to post your trash. Best, Lena Martinez-Watts VP Diversity and Commuity
Anything that needs to be said to or about a person can be communicated in a much more civil manner. This same letter is currently posted in the March 2007 archives of little green blog.
Everyone can tell why you choose to remain are ashamed of yourself, you can not accept the fact that you are all the things you accuse others of being, and you rage out because you hate you life, yourself and don't even have the balls of a squirrel in winter to own up to your words. I was embarrassed for you, for your mother and for your family name--which even though you are too ashamed to share for obvious reasons--is a washed with the stench of your words revealing your character. I know you are not from Texas. We raise our children to take a hint--you were deleted twice already--no one wants to hear you! hum-um-um You poor, sad, pitiful thing.....
Sorry child, I just couldn't let you walk around with a full diaper stinking up the place. God loves you. You clean yourself up and you'll be ok.
The content in Student Assemblog does not represent the official positions of the Student Assembly or Dartmouth College; all views and opinions expressed herein are solely of the author. As any reasonable person can only assume, no tacit endorsement is given to the content of any of the links or videos. That would be ridiculous.
Student Assemblog is a collection of news, editorials, videos, and random thoughts from the good folks at your local student government. Through this blog, we hope to foster debate about, and bring attention to, campus issues while providing entertainment along the way. Contact us at SA07@Dartmouth.Edu
as the little shits at the little green blog refuse to own up to their criticism (Connor Shepherd '07 Andrew Seal '07), I must post this letter which I put onto their site, and was subsequently deleted (twice):
Connor Shepherd,
For the sake of dear old Dartmouth, the lone pine above us, and a great GOD around us- please please please kill yourself. You vomit up opinions that no one holds and have a personality that no one likes. Your very being has been a general waste of life. In the four years that you have pissed down the toilet here at Dartmouth College, Connor Shepherd ’07, you were mentioned in the Daily D (arguably the most complete documentation of campus life) a whopping 5 times. Congrats Connor! The most valuable contribution you made to campus during your entire tenure was your insight in a leaf-peeper article in which you brilliantly noticed that ‘the leaves on trees don’t turn colors’ back in your hometown of Dumfuck, Texas. Impressive, Connor. While other students achieve greatness with the legacy they have been given, you sit around and suck your penis (which is a much better use of your mouth than talking).
Connor Shepherd ’07, you are a ripe, puss-filled zit on the hairy ass of Dartmouth. It’s time you got popped. While desperately trying to keep a strait face as he read your college application, Karl Furstenberg must have thought to himself, as it is the only explanation for why you are here, “What the hell, why not admit this pretentious asshole-hick from Texas? We could all use a few laughs!!” Karl’s experiment was a failure. You are a failure. Other, less fortunate kids would have jumped at the chance to fill your spot. Everyone else would jump at the prospect of letting them. Hell, I’d bet there were a few retards down in West Leb who could offer more interesting commentary on campus issues than you.
By the looks of your letter to The Review back in ’03 in which you said that you “completely forgot how to relate to black people” (here: neither your intelligence nor writing have improved. Connor, you really are a cancer on this institution; I hope you’re not terminal.
Enjoy the rest of your life, Connor Shepherd, no one else will.
- Dartmouth College
Dear Anonymous,
This is totally inappropriate and poorly articulated. Please find somewhere else to post your trash.
Lena Martinez-Watts
VP Diversity and Commuity
Please delete that letter from this blog, if you wish to retain SA's credibility.
Well this blog sure was short lived.
Anything that needs to be said to or about a person can be communicated in a much more civil manner. This same letter is currently posted in the March 2007 archives of little green blog.
Everyone can tell why you choose to remain are ashamed of yourself, you can not accept the fact that you are all the things you accuse others of being, and you rage out because you hate you life, yourself and don't even have the balls of a squirrel in winter to own up to your words. I was embarrassed for you, for your mother and for your family name--which even though you are too ashamed to share for obvious reasons--is a washed with the stench of your words revealing your character. I know you are not from Texas. We raise our children to take a hint--you were deleted twice already--no one wants to hear you! hum-um-um You poor, sad, pitiful thing.....
Sorry child, I just couldn't let you walk around with a full diaper stinking up the place. God loves you. You clean yourself up and you'll be ok.
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