Tuesday, May 29, 2007

GA Minutes 29 May 07

Statement of Support for Current Initiatives by the Inter-Fraternity Council and Mentors Against Violence
Sponsored by Lena Martinez-Watts ’08 and the Diversity and Community Committee

WHEREAS sexual assault is an equally shared concern of the Inter-fraternity Council, Student Assembly, the Mentors Against Violence program and the student body at large,

WHEREAS similar initiatives were independently conceptualized by both the inter-fraternity council and the student assembly leadership regarding effective means of addressing issues of sexual assault,

WHEREAS an educational program has been designed that seeks to utilize a peer-to-peer system of education regarding effective methods of sexual assault prevention,

WHEREAS the program has been designed jointly by members of the inter-fraternity council and mentors against violence with student assembly acting as a facilitator for the two organizations,

WHEREAS the inter-fraternity council has unanimously voted in support of the program,

WHEREAS the inter-fraternity council has unanimously voted in favor of implementing the forementioned programming into the pledge process of all incoming pledges,

LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Student Assembly supports and acknowledges the proactive steps that the inter-fraternity council and Mentors Against Violence are taking in order to improve and ensure a healthy campus climate.

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