Friday, August 17, 2007

Thomas Crady named dean of the College

From The Dartmouth:
Thomas M. Crady, vice president of student services at Grinnell College in Iowa, will take over as Dartmouth’s dean of the College starting in January, College President James Wright announced Thursday. Crady will replace Acting Dean Dan Nelson, who assumed the duties of the post after Dean Jim Larimore left for Swarthmore College in August 2006... keep reading

Dartmouth College Office of Public Affairs • Press Release
Dartmouth President James Wright announced today that he has appointed Thomas M. Crady, the vice president for student services at Iowa's Grinnell College, as Dean of the College at Dartmouth, effective January 2008... keep reading

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am glad to hear that Thomas M. Crady will finally take over as Dartmouth’s dean of the College starting in January, and that College President James Wright announced Thursday. Good news! Best regards,
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